
martes, 3 de marzo de 2015

2. Profiteroles

Profiteroles filled with créme patissiere dipped in chocolate.

For the choux pastry

  • 75g plain flour
  • a pinch of salt
  • 150ml of water
  • 50g butter
  • 2 eggs, beaten
For the créme patissiere

  • 4 egg yolks
  • 60g caster sugar
  • 2tsp cornflour
  • 25g plain flour
  • 280ml milk
For the chocolate sauce

  • 50g of cooking chocolate
  • 10g of butter

Preparation method

  1. Preheat the oven to 200C/390F/Gas 6 and cover a baking tray with greaseproof paper
  2. Put the water and butter into saucepan, gradually heat until the butter melts and then increase the temperature. As soon as the water reaches a brisk boil, lower the heat again and tip in all of the flour. Beat quickly until the mixture forms a ball and leaves the sides of the pan clean.
  3. Remove the pan from the heat and cool slightly. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating hard until the mixture is shiny and firm.
  4. Pipe around 20 swirls onto the tray, you could use a spoon but it isnt as neat. 
  5. Touch the top of each profiterole with water on your finger, and flick water onto the tray.
  6. Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes, or until golden-brown and puffed up. Transfer to a wire rack to cool.
  7. For the crème patissière, whisk the egg yolks and sugar together in a bowl until pale and light. Fold in the cornflour and flour.
  8. Bring the milk to the boil in a small saucepan and then whisk it gradually into the egg mixture.
  9. Pour the mixture into a clean pan and bring it slowly to the boil until it thickens. Simmer for a minute and then take the pan off the heat.
  10. When the profiteroles are cooled, make a small hole in the bottom of each one. Fill with the crème patissière.
  11. For the warm chocolate sauce, heat the chocolate and cream in a heatproof bowl placed over a pan of simmering water until melted - do not allow the water to touch the bottom of the bowl. Stir to combine.
  12. Serve the warm chocolate sauce drizzled over the filled profiteroles.

miércoles, 18 de febrero de 2015

1. White chocolate cheesecake


To make this cheesecake your will need:

For the base
  • 200g of digestive biscuits.
  • 80g of butter, without salt is best. 
  • vanilla extract.
For the cheesecake
  • 3 eggs
  • a tub of philadelphia (or similar) 
  • a yogurt (natural or sugared) 
  • 150ml of double cream
  • 80g of caster sugar
  • 400g white cooking chocolate                                                                                                   
For the decorations
  • 150g of milk chocolate
  • bag of mixed Malteasers

First you have to smash the biscuits up, you can do this by putting them in a bag and crushing them with a rolling pin, or with a food procesor. Next, you need to add the melted butter and a few drops of vanilla extract. Its best to use a mould that has sides that can be removed, as its easier to serve that way. To flatten the base into the mould you can use the back of a spoon, making sure that the edges are sealed. The base can be put into the frige while you are making the rest of the mixture.

Next you need to add the cream cheese, yogurt, cream and sugar into a bowl and mix gently so that it doesn´t get too much air into it. After that, mix in the eggs one by one stiring slowly at all times. Now you need to melt the white chocolate in a bowl over a saucepan on the hob. Once it is melted mix it in with the rest of the mixture.

It need to be cooked for around an hour at 150º, or until the knife comes out clean when you poke it. Take it out of the oven and leave to cool. 

Once its cooled you can start decorating it. Melt the milk chocolate in the same way you melted the white chocolate and spread it evenly across the top of the cake. Then decorate with the malteasers.

1. Tarta de queso de chocolate blanco.

Aquí tenéis mi primera receta, espero que os guste.


Para hacer esta tarta de queso de chocolate blanco se necesita:

Para la base
  • 200g de galletas digestive (también sirven las galletas maría).
  • 80g de mantequilla, recomiendo la que no lleva sal añadida. 
  • extracto de vainilla, no es imprescindible pero me gusta añadirlo a la base para darle más sabor.
Para la tarta de queso
  • 3 huevos medianos
  • una tarrina de queso philadelphia (o similar) 
  • un yogur (natural o azucarado) 
  • 150ml de nata líquida 
  • 80g de azúcar
  • 400g de chocolate blanco especial para postres                                                                                                   
Para decorar

  • 150g de chocolate con leche 
  • bolsa variada de bolitas de chocolate (lo venden en Mercadona)

Primero trituramos las galletas, esto se puede hacer o bien introduciendo las galletas en una bolsa de plástico y rompiendo con un rodillo, o bien con un procesador de alimentos. A continuación, añadimos la mantequilla derretida (esto se puede hacer en el microondas) y 2 o 3 gotas de extracto de vainilla. Es conveniente a la hora de servir usar un molde desmontable. Para compactar la base suelo usar la parte trasera de una cuchara, asegurándome de que los bordes del molde queden sellados. Esto se guarda en el frigorífico mientras se sigue con la preparación.

En un bol introducimos el queso, el yogur, la nata y el azúcar y lo batimos suavemente hasta quedar una masa homogénea, hay que tener cuidado para no meterle aire. Después echamos los huevos uno a uno y batimos. Por último derretimos el chocolate blanco al baño maría y se añade al resto.

Se hornea a 150º durante una hora aproximadamente, o hasta que al pincharlo con un cuchillo éste salga limpio. Se saca del horno y se deja enfriar.

Una vez que se haya enfriado la tarta, podemos empezar con la decoración. En este caso he utilizado chocolate con leche, aunque también se podría usar mermelada de fresa, por ejemplo. Derretimos el chocolate al baño maría al igual que hemos hecho con el chocolate blanco, y lo extendemos por encima de la tarta. Para decorar he utilizado bolitas de chocolate, éstas se pueden distribuir según los gustos de cada uno.